Thursday, August 29, 2013

Levi H.

Levi Jake Hatfield loves reading because it is a quiet, no working subject. His favorite color is camo because you can hide in the woods and stand out in the city. He likes baseball because you have to always be ready and focused. Oreo Delight is awesome! It has Oreo, whip cream, and vanilla ice cream. He goes home after school and rides four wheelers.  After he does his chores, he has twin brothers that are Martian or some kind of creature His mom and dad are Michael and Suzanne Hatfield. He recently turned 13. He has a dog named Tuff and he is half yellow lab, and half calahoo. In his future, he plans to work for his dad at HRM INC.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Katelynn Faye Muston was born on December 25. She's super tall and funny. Katelynn's favorite subject is lunch. Her favorite color is purple. Katelynn's favorite food is pizza and chocolate cake. Her family is Wayne Muston, her dad, her brother Cameron Muston is 15, and her half sister, Shelbi Muston is 5. She's 13 and in the 7th grade. Her favorite drink is peach soda and Mountain Dew. Her favorite animal is a bear. Whenever she grows up she wants to be a movie director. Her favorite TV show is "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." Her favorite movie is "Nightmare Before Christmas ." Four words that describe her are short tempered, shy, childish, and random. She hates anything that has to do with exercise. Her favorite singer is Pink. Her favorite band is the Gorillaz. She loves to play on her iPad and laptop, watch TV, and read in her free time. Her favorite sitcom is "Full House." Don't ever have candy around her because she will beg you a million times to get just one piece of candy; that is how much she loves candy!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cave City Middle School Mantra

The me I SEE is the me I will BE

I am...

a learner
a helper
a role model
a difference maker

I am...


I am a MEMBER of the Cave City Middle School FAMILY